The Essentials Check List for Travelers and International Students

Here you are…

You have discovered on the information you needed to travel or organize your studies in France.
So you’re just in one step to leave your home town but you are a little bit worried…
You still have so many things to planned, your luggage’s to do and you would not miss to take all your needed stuff!
It’s a pretty tough task and you don’t know yet how to start to handle all this!

What if you had a prepared list with everything planned?
Yeah, what if…

You dreamed of it, we have made it the reality!

You will find, in the attachment below, prepared check lists to organize your trips and studies abroad.
Well, of course, you may adjust one or two points on those lists to fit your personal requirements but the main part of the job is done!

It’s time for you to discover the essentials check list for travelers and international students!

The Study Abroad Check List:

Useful for study abroad students or trainees, the study abroad check list will help you to planned your stay.
From the time you prepare your application file to the moment you will arrive; the study abroad check list covers the important to do list steps to plan your stay abroad!

The Study Abroad Check List

The Study Abroad Check List

Click here to download for free the Study Abroad Check List!

The Amazing Check List for Successful Trips:

Useful to help you to prepare your luggage’s before your departure on a trip this checked list focus on what can be useful to have in your backpack for your daily life when you are not at home.

The Amazing Check List for Successful Trips

The Amazing Check List for Successful Trips

Click here to download for free the Amazing Check List for Successful Trips!

The Basic Grocery Shopping List:

Elaborated in order to help you to make your shopping when you arrive to a new home this list contain everything for your daily grocery shopping: Bakery products, Cooking products, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Biscuits, Body Care products and Cleaning products.

The basic grocery shopping list will avoid you to forget to take one thing in a shop and will save you from returning to the shop just for a single item.

The Basic Grocery Shopping List

The Basic Grocery Shopping List

Click here to download for free the Basic Grocery Shopping List!


Have a good time =)

Your Erasmus of Paris International Buddies

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